Helpful Downloads

Each of the downloads available below are in PDF format and can be viewed after download using Adobe Acrobat® Reader V 5.0 or higher. They can also be printed using most industry standard print drivers.

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TBG Technical Publishing Brochure  
(76 k): Provides summary information about the Technical Publishing services that can be provided by The Brandon Group, Inc. It also includes a Partial Client List.

TBG Writing, DTP, Electronic Publishing, & Graphics Brochure  
(56 k): Provides summary information about the Writing, DTP, Electronic Publishing, and Graphics services that can be provided by The Brandon Group (TBG), Inc. When printing this document, be sure to click "fit to page".
TBG Electronic Marketing Presentation
 (2,020 k): Provides a summary overview and samples of writing, page design & layout, and graphics created by The Brandon Group, Inc. for our clients.
TBG Guidelines for Quality, Cost-Effective Documentation  
(617 k): Provides detailed strategy and procedures to insure that any project is carried out in the most cost-effective manner while still guaranteeing the highest possible quality.

Project Tracking Form  
(15 k): Used to record important information essential to the proper completion of the project and to track the project's progression. This includes: client contact information; TBG personnel assigned to the project and the function of each team member; electronic and hard copy information provided by the client; client preferences for draft and final documents forms; vendors to be used for printing, CD production, etc.

Draft / Final Approval Sign Off Form - General  
(13 k): Used to approve or indicate required changes to materials submitted by The Brandon Group, Inc.
Draft / Final Approval Sign Off Form - Assigning Responsibility for Changes
(11 k): Used to approve materials submitted by The Brandon Group, Inc., and / or indicated who will provide necessary modifications and / or information.



Copyright © 2000 - 2025 - The Brandon Group Inc.
Main Business Phone: (412) 215-7590.  

The Brandon Group, Inc.
504 N Street
Bethel Park, PA 15102