Web Publishing The next step after web design is to get essential information in front of your target audience. Our years of experience in technical publication and communication is the foundation that The Brandon Group, Inc. (TBG) draws on to build your site. TBG takes all the guesswork out and provides invaluable steps in publishing your documents to the web. TBG can take documents we have created, or existing documents that you provide, and convert / reformat them for access via your web site. We can create PDF (Portable Document Format) files, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) , JS (JavaScript Documents), XML (Extensible Markup Language), PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor), SHTM, SHTML, STM, SSI (Server Side Includes), ASP (Active Server Pages) files, etc. that are quickly and clearly viewable on your web site. We can even help you convert and set up FTP (File Transfer Protocol) nad Cloud protocols for transferring larger documents. Other types of document presentation may also be a priority. For instance, your sales force may need access to various types of promotional materials and showing them to a client electronically adds punch to the presentation. Maybe your customer needs access to operation and maintenance manuals, parts lists, order forms, etc. File transfer to a customer, showing a short how to video or audio is becoming more prevalent. Pictures, graphics, and descriptions of items you want to buy-sell-trade help to increase your market share. Whatever type of business or service you have is now available to anyone in the world that has a web accessible computer and TBGs technology can process and upload it all! We can also evaluate your presentation and suggest tweaks that may just add that little zing to capture that readers attention. We constantly update our web design software and have our own Web Master on site to give you individualized attention. TBG can continue to take your web publication further by providing maintenance, updates, and future uploads to keep up with current trends and, of course, expansion. TBG can suggest the best and most economical hosting service to complete the package. Whether you select the complete service from web design to publication or only web publication, TBG is there to provide you with exactly what you want. E-mail: d.read@thebrandongroup.com Copyright © 2000 - 2025 - The Brandon Group