Technical Writing, Non-Technical Writing,
Desktop Publishing, Electronic Publishing, Graphic Design, Web Design,
& Web Publishing Services
The Brandon Group, Inc. (TBG) creates publications for clients ranging
from international corporations to private individuals. Although we
specialize and are expert in technical writing, our staff is comprised
of personnel with diverse areas of expertise including graphic design,
desktop publishing, engineering, electronics, public relations, and
education. These abilities not only enable us to complete any type of
project, but to offer several different services. The following is a
list of quality products that TBG can create for hard copy and / or
electronic distribution:
- Operating and Maintenance Manuals;
- Software User's Manuals;
- Reference Materials;
- Safety and Training Materials;
- Internal / External Company Forms and Documents;
- Newsletters;
- Proposals and Reports;
- Web Site Design;
- Documents for Web Publishing;
- Resumes;
- Press Releases;
- Brochures;
- Graphics & Illustrations;
- Promotional / Advertising / Display Materials; and
- Corporate Identity and Standards.
care for all of our client's needs,
TBG is divided into the following departments:
We Create the Materials that
Your Documentation, Communication and Marketing Needs!
are the
visitor to our site.
(Management & Technical Writing)
(Personnel Management & Graphic Design / DTP)
(Web Design & Graphic Design / DTP)
(Graphic Design, Web Design & DTP)
(Technical Writing, Editing, & Proof Reading)
(Administration & General Business)
This page was last updated on Wednesday September 13,

Copyright © 2000, 2001,2002 The Brandon Group Inc.
MAIN BUSINESS PHONES: (724) 744-3545; 744-3579;
744-7805; and (412) 373-3044.
To contact TBG or leave a message
during non-business hours: (412) 373-3044.
FAX: (724) 744-4587

20 Watt Rd.
Jeannette, PA 15644